With a month’s worth of rain forecast to fall in the 30 hours running up to the inaugural MBUK/TINCUP social ride in the Dark Peak, things were looking ominous. What’s more it was a mere 4°C and England were playing New Zealand in the rugby – would anyone show up? Weather warnings meant the start time was pushed back to 2pm, when apparently the rain would cease. And lo and behold, it did! The roads may have looked more like streams and only the most rugged of those who'd signed up for the ride were prepared to brave the inhospitable conditions, but we set off, with Rough Ride Guide's Max Darkins leading the way.
Due to the later start, the route’s shortcut option came into play. Despite the final trail resembling a river more than a bridleway, the rocky track still ran well and provided one more fun, fast rocky descent to finish the day off with. It was rewarding to roll back into Castleton having completed a good ride where we’d had the countryside almost to ourselves, with surprisingly little mud.
Any grit and grime collected on the ride was quickly dispatched with The George Inn's hose – from both bikes and riders – before we piled into the warm and cosy pub, where delicious pulled-pork rolls, roast potatoes and chips were immediately placed in front of us. TINCUP whiskeys were chinked in celebration between the hardy riders who'd braved the elements and been justly rewarded for their efforts. These are the type of rides that make memories, anecdotes and new friends.
Our next MBUK/TINCUP social ride, in the Surrey Hills, is full up. Look out for more guided rides in 2020.

About TINCUP Whiskey
The MBUK/TINCUP rides are brought to you in association with TINCUP whiskey. Inspired by, and made for, the mountains, this classic American whiskey is cut with water from the Rockies and named after the tin cups used by Colorado gold miners. Aged for a minimum of four years in American white oak barrels, it has a bourbon-style profile with a bold and spicy finish. You can buy it from Asda supermarkets.