The UK's most popular uplift venue, BikePark Wales, turns five this year and it's amazing to think how far things have come in that time. What was once an old DH race venue in South Wales is now home to the biggest bike park in the country, and one that attracts riders from far and wide. Not content to rest on their laurels though, the crew have got some big plans for the coming few years. Here are five reasons we're excited and you should be too!
Better uplifts
A wider uplift road and the trial of a new uplift vehicle will result in faster and more efficient uplifts. That means more runs and more time on the bike – so everyone's a winner apart, from your tyres and forearms! The uplift booking system is changing too, so hopefully no more disappointment when you want to go riding, only to realise that all the spaces were booked up months ago.

Improved facilities
BPW will be connecting to mains water and electricity, and that means the park will finally have wifi too. We'll be able to keep our Insta followers bang up to date, but will no longer be able to use "sorry, no reception" as an excuse for skiving off work for the day. It's the next best thing to relocating the MBUK office though, we suppose.

Tastier food
BikePark Wales's food has always been filling and nutritious, but it wasn't about to win any Michelin stars. Now, though, a new chef is being brought in to refresh the menu at the Woodland Cafe and provide us with some mouth-watering grub.
Trail maintenance
Terry’s Belly, Wibbly Wobbly and Melted Welly have already seen some love this year, and right now the trail crew are building new jumps on the A470 line ready for summer.
New trails
The bad news is that National Grid works are going to result in the temporary closure of Terry’s Belly, Hot Stepper, Root Manoeuvres and 50 Shades of Black during June. The good news is that they're putting up a pot of money to help with the building of new trails. These will be opening as soon as the end of May, and by the end of the summer we'll have two new blue routes, two reds and one black to look forward to. We'll do our best to get out there and bring you the latest, so you know what to expect for your next visit.