Keep your stoke levels high and ride through winter!

Keep your stoke levels high and ride through winter!

Cold? Dark? Wet? Don't let that stop you! These simple tips will keep you motivated and raring to ride though winter

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Published: December 20, 2017 at 7:35 pm

Mountain bike riders on a bike route in Grizedale, Lake District, January 17, 2012. (Photo by Russell Burton/Mountain Biking UK magazine)
It's cold but beautiful. Get prepped properly and you could be enjoying amazing scenes like this! (Photo: Russell Burton)

In summer, going riding is easy. You grab your bike, throw on your helmet and gloves, and off you go. When you get home, it’s just a case of putting your sweaty clothes in the washing machine and stashing your bike in the shed. But what about when it’s 3°C outside, wet enough to float the Ark and the trails are axle deep in mud? You’ve got to have military preparation skills to stay warm, dry and stoked – but it’s worth it!

Storm rolling in on big ride in the Lake District
The winter weather can set in pretty quickly, particularly if you riding high up in the mountains (Photo: Russell Burton)

The first thing to get right is your underwear. A decent baselayer will remain comfy even if you get sweaty or soggy, 3/4-length bib tights under your baggies will keep your muscles warm (and your nether regions too) and waterproof socks will stop you getting trench foot when your shoes are waterlogged. If you run hot, go for knee warmers or knee pads rather than bibs. If you feel the cold, grab some full-length tights and layer up your torso.

Mavic baselayer
The key to keeping warm is layering up correctly - a good baselayer is the first place to start on a cold winter's day (Photo: Russell Burton)

Next is your midlayer. Unless it’s really cold, a standard riding jersey will do the job, ideally with long sleeves, so that your skin’s not in contact with your outer layer. Go for synthetic fabric or merino wool – cotton will just get wet and cold. Your outer shell needs to keep the elements from getting in and warmth from getting out. On cold but dry or drizzly days a lightweight windproof jacket will work well, but for really grim weather, go for the most breathable waterproof jacket you can afford. Waterproof shorts are also a must when it’s soggy and cold – they'll protect your backside from water and dirt flicked up by the rear tyre, keeping it warm, dry and free of piles!

Rider heading down a sloppy, muddy trail
Expect a lot of slop on the trails during winter - but that makes for way more fun

Your hands are one of the most exposed parts of your body. A good set of winter gloves will keep your fingers toasty when it’s cold enough to make your balls rise into your stomach. Just make sure you can still feel feedback from the bar. A neck tube is a good idea too when it’s really cold, to stop vital body heat escaping.

Get your bike prepped


Fit a fender

A front mudguard is a must, even if you wear riding glasses or goggles. It’ll stop the spray and grime covering your bike, torso and face – and look moto too! The Powa DFender offers the most protection, but the simple plastic cutouts do a good job too.

front fender mudguard
Fitting a front mudguard will help protect against unwanted mud and crud flying all over you


Lose some air

If it’s wet and sloppy, you’ll be riding slower and will need more grip on the wet ground. Letting some air out of your tyres and softening your suspension is an easy win.

Lube it up

Mud and slop can form a grinding paste. Lubricate your bike's chain and other moving parts to keep things running smoothly.

So there you go! It doesn't take much to get out there on the trails in winter. And all that riding in difficult conditions will make it feel like a breeze when the fairer conditions return. Happy Riding!

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Sven Martin

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