My Scariest Moment: Wyn Masters

My Scariest Moment: Wyn Masters

The flying Kiwi, Wyn Masters, is a long-standing and flamboyant character on the global gravity scene and, needless to say, his rough and tumble ride to prominence has come with its fair share of spills and thrills

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Published: January 15, 2024 at 1:06 pm

“My scariest moment ever was probably when I was 12 years old, at one of the earliest races I entered. I did this jump and landed kinda sketchy and into a hole, and the handlebar went into my stomach and through my stomach lining. I was lying there and realised there was a pretty big hole in my stomach, and I didn’t really want to move, then a guy came along and went, ‘Oh shit,’ so I got airlifted to hospital in a helicopter.

The first thing the doctor did was put his fingers in there to see how deep it was, then I was rushed into surgery and had internal stiches. At that age I probably didn’t understand the actual gravity of the situation. It worked out for the best in the end, and I was back riding a couple of weeks later, probably because I was 12 and keen, more than anything else.

“I was lying there and realised there was a pretty big hole in my stomach, then I got airlifted to hospital”

Later on in my career I had couple more nasty injuries. In 2011 I broke my arm, a compound fracture, and there was a lot of dirt in it so it got infected. They said I needed another surgery, and then soon after I was back racing in Europe. It was quite painful because I hadn’t done anything for a while. I did about five races, then in Fort William I hit a hole and bent all the metal plates in my arm, and I also had the broken arm.

I went to Leogang a week later and was in denial that this arm was even an issue. You put in so much to get to that point that it’s hard to accept that it’s a reality. But I couldn’t really ride properly and came 60th so realised I had to go back home and get it fixed. Just after that I was flying out of New Zealand and broke my wrist and needed surgery on that too. It took six months to heal so I lost that season as well."

Illustration: Kevin February

Words: Steve Thomas

About Wyn Masters

Wyn Masters, the dynamic mountain biker from New Zealand, has evolved into a creator not just on the racing circuit but also in the digital realm. While still maintaining an impressive speed on the trails, Wyn has gained widespread recognition for his online presence, particularly with Wyn TV, offering an inside look at racers' thoughts and emotions. Wyn is also committed to nurturing new talent, and actively supports up-and-coming racers through his Privateer Project, demonstrating a multifaceted approach that goes beyond conventional racing boundaries.

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