MBUK video: Fastest downhill racers to never win a World Cup

MBUK video: Fastest downhill racers to never win a World Cup

Will Soffe delves into the stats to uncover the fastest riders who have yet to claim a World Cup victory

Published: August 14, 2024 at 4:12 pm

Winning a World Cup or World Championship race is the highest honour you can achieve in downhill mountain biking. It represents the pinnacle of success in a sport where split-second decisions and sheer nerve can make all the difference. However, the path to victory is steep and arduous, and many of the sport’s biggest names have never stood on that coveted top step.

Despite their incredible speed and skill, they haven’t crossed the finish line first in a World Cup race. In this week's MBUK video we explore who these racers are and why they haven't yet captured that elusive win. Some of these athletes are tantalisingly close to achieving their breakthrough. 

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